Body Stack 2.0
Body Stack 1.0 to 2.0 Comparison
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Here’s an app I made quite a while ago while I was experimenting with longer fasting periods (like a few days here and there). I wanted an app that allowed me to track body transformations through images and allowed me to quickly reference before/after pictures.
This app is crazy simple, just enter your weight with a photo every few days and you can slowly see your body change over time, as well as quickly compare the original Day 1 photo with your current one.
It took me, like, a weekend to throw this together, however, there were a lot of flaws in the original app that I hope I solved in version two.
Cleaned up the App Icon, made the yellow a bit darker and removed the light shadow in the icon.
Body Stack - Home Screen - this is where you can scroll through your body images and see your weight progress in the chart below. I swapped the button icons with SF Symbols and removed the yellow color. The old carousel framework I was using the scroll the images was no longer supported so I had to embed a new one without the “Reel Flipper” animation.
Body Stack - Log Entry - Here is where you take a picture of yourself and enter log data. You can see that before I was trying to track a bunch of other details, like, whether you dieted or exercised, this was not really useful in the app so it was removed.
I added three other buttons, the one on the right allows you to quickly compare this current photo with your original starting photo. On the top right you can export the current photo to your photo library. The top left button will generate a Before/After photo for you using your original and current photo and save it to your photo library.
Body Stack - Configuration View